Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 30, 2008 Update

I wanted to let you know that the status for our March 30, 2008 session is up in the air. I failed to remember that Christa will be returning from her trip to Belize on the 30th. I will be picking her up from the airport that day, but I am not sure when they are getting in.

If we do game, I may need to modify the time...I will keep you posted. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lac's Musings: March 16, 2008

This post actually covers the last few sessions, but should keep everyone up to date. Since the DM honestly did not remember where the party ended in the Seer's Dungeon from last year, he thought it best to start over. Over the course of three adventures, the party did manage to traverse the majority of the dungeon. As a few highlights as the party went through for the second time:
  • Zant was lit on fire from oil from above.
  • Torgrim was turned into a barbarian balloon...thanks to a hold person spell and a levitate spell.
  • Torgrim was touched by a crypt things and teleported to another portion of the dungeon. Later found with doppleganger.
  • The paladin actually hits stuff now.
  • Trego joined the seem trustworthy!
After completing the dungeon and finding the seer, Abellius did translate the scroll that the party received from the council. It speaks of a crown, a scepter and a orb. They are located in the Cairn Hills, the Lordship of the Isles and Iuz. It should be three very interesting quests. The party decided to make its way back to their headquarters and see how things were going there.

On the trip pack, they were ambushed by four trolls. It was a tough battle with downed party members of both sides. The party of Pholtus was victorious and when we being next time, they will continue their journey back to the headquarters.

Please post any other highlights from the adventures thus far...I certainly don't remember them all.