Monday, March 19, 2007


I realize that it has been awhile since I have updated, but it had also been some time since we gamed. Please note that we will be gaming again on March 25, 2007. But, the residence halls open at 1:00 PM so I am guessing that we will probably get started at around 1:15...get there as soon as you can.

We only had one level jump this go around, but there are many of you that have the potential
to go up in the next adventure. Some of you are painfully close.

This week while I am couch-ridden and somewhat high on drugs (after the wisdom teeth work), I am hoping to finish up the dungeon. It should be fun!

Stay tuned for the chronicles soon.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Experience Update


The experience has been updated for all characters. Lac, Dendo and Fritjf have all gone up a level. Some of you are very close. Sorry that the update is coming late. This has been a busy week with OPE and other stuff. Remember, no adventure this Sunday (sad), but we will be gaming on March 11, 2007. It should be a good one!

Lac's Musings: February 25, 2007 Adventure

When this adventure began, the party began its second journey to Trivel. The party took their new-found treasure back to the chapel. Back at the chapel they found out the front door was fixed and that the locks were in the process of being made. With that, they made their way north again to Trivel.

Not too far into the journey, Lac asked everyone why everyone was in the group. The majority of the folks in the party contributed something. Not too long after this, they encountered a group of ogres that flanked them on the road. The party did not have too much difficulty defeating the group of ogres; the party has definitely increased in power. They managed to find 51 gold pieces among the ogres.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The party slept and Lac and Fritjof took first watch. They heard the howls of wolves surrounding the party. Everyone was woken up and the wolves closed in. Dendo went over to protect the horses; Torgrim the Cold helped out. The wolves were reduced in number and ran off. Sadly, one horse was killed in the combat. Dendo walks faster than the horse anyway.

By the end of the second day, the party arrived in Trivel; it was later in the afternoon. Aleron asked to talk to the mayor of the town. The party decided it would be best to put all of the townspeople into the town hall. Torgrim and Fritjof dug a variety of holes around the village to funnel traffic. The players took their positions in the city, not completely sure what to expect.

The Deathmaster was seen in the distance, along with 25 zombies and 10 ghouls. The big battle began. Sadly, the paladin magically disappeared for this comabt and the ranger was not available either. Right away both Father Roland and Aleron turned almost half of the undead creatures. The remaining creatures were engaged in a furious combat with the party of Pholtus. Some interesting things that happened during the combat:
  • Aleron cast enlarge and became around nine feet tall.
  • Lac drank a potion of fire giant strength and added +10 to all of his damage rolls. He took out some serious zombies.
  • Father Roland cast a spell that had a large magic dragon circling around the town hall.
  • Torgrim the Cold did a jumping two-handed sword attack.
  • Fritjof took on four ghouls at once.
  • Needless to say, Torgrim had plenty of magic stuff to take in.
By the time the combat was over, only Dendo and Father Roland were left. The Deathmaster was making his way to those two....everyone else was paralyzed by the ghouls.