Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Summer Session

I was checking over my summer calendar and I have set a tentative date for the summer session. I figured that 12 hours would be sufficient. Any more than that and I might pass out ;).

June 27
Arrive at 5:00 PM for dinner.
Game from 6:00 PM - midnight.
Compute experience (In case anyone is close).

June 28
Game from 10 AM - 6 PM. (Or later if DM is sane and people care to stay).

The alternative weekend would be July 11 and 12. If you can check your calendars now that would be great. I am hoping that we can finalize that this coming session. By our last session of the semester, I would like to finalize a fall schedule. As I have said before, I'd like to keep it two an every other week format.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lac's Musings: The April 27th Adventure

The adventure began with the party fending off two verbeeg with three verbeeg coming in reserve. Soon after that the party was flanked by the verbeeg shaman. After dishing out many spells, the party fell victim to a spell from the shaman. He cast hold person and managed to freeze both the paladin and the NPS ranger. The rest of the party (Aleron, Roland & Lac) tried their best to fend off the verbeeg attack.

Not known for his strong fighting skills, Lac stepped up to the role as co-tank and issued his fair share of damage. He was protected by a slew of helping spells of Aleron and Roland. They also chipped with some attacks and other powerful spells. Despite getting beaten up pretty bad (all characters took significant damage...Lac went down), the party was victorious over the verbeeg.

The party left he hideout for a few days to store up spells and heal. They went back into the hideout and found quite a bit of treasure. In addition to coins and gems, the party also found three elven swords (one magical), one magical shield from Celene, two potions and 3 unicorn horns.

The party continued their way through the forest. They were attacked by an evil treant. The battle went better than thought, with the creature being "blinded by the light". Lac also dropped 60 points of damage through some amazing roles and a timely critical hit.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunday's Session in On

I wanted to let you all know that I plan on having a gaming session this Sunday from 1:00 -5:00 PM (April 27, 2008). Some of you have been missing for awhile and I'd like to see you back. Things are getting really interesting! I am hoping that everyone can make it. After this coming Sunday, we only have two sessions left until we pack things up for the summer.

Within the next few sessions, I would like to talk about a possible summer session and an every other week fall schedule.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lac's Musings: The April 20th Adventure

The party finally had the opportunity to address Ogon Tillit and the Council of Nine, overseers of the Theocracy of Pale. They explained the journey thus far and talked about what they learned from the seer. After some discussion as to what the next option should be, it was decided that making their way to the Cairn Hills was the best option. A trip to the Cairn Hills would include a long journey on the Yol River as well as a boat ride over Lake Nyr Dyv. They may get more specific information as to where to search in the Cairn Hills from folks in Greyhawk.

The party purchased a boat and made their way southwest. The first few days were uneventful as they moved away from Wintershiven. On their second evening on the move, they were attacked by six hell hounds. The party managed to fight off three of the hell hounds, but in the process Aleron fell. Lac was able to move him away and they party fled before the one sleeping hell hound and the other two that were entangled could get at them. The remaining evening was spent in a boat...

The party journeyed to the outside of the Phostwood Forest. Outside of the forest, they were introduced to a ranger tracking a group of verbeegs. Apparently, the verbeeg have been hunting unicorns and stealing their horns. The party volunteered to help kill the verbeeg and joined him in his search. They were jumped by two verbeeg that were hunting. They killed one and scared the other one off. They followed him to their layer.

They entered the layer and were immediately jumped by two guards. A few rounds into a combat...the session ended. Will the party survive the call of verbeeg reinforcements?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Torgrim's Town Hall Minutes

The following are the notes from the last town hall meeting as dictated to apprentice Vance Eagle from Torgrim the Cold, our benevolent protector and leader:

There has been some talk about a town social from some of the married couples and cleric adepts who live in town. They figure it would be a good way to raise morale from some of the recent orc attacks on the west end. They want to create games for the kids in the afternoon and at night have some minstrels come in Divers to perform for a dance. The right honorable Torgrim exclaimed: "What is this dancing? Is that like the crap that the bard does when he floats in the air? If so, that's annoying." The discussion was moved to committee.

Questions were raised to the right honorable Torgrim about the recent orc attacks on the west end of town. Torgrim has asked if any men would like to join him in a militia and the selection process will begin at the Red Dragon Inn starting with a drinking contest, then some drunk fighting. As of this posting none have replied except for a retired knight by the name of Sir Demetrius who looks impeccably out of shape. The contest...er...tryout will be three nights form now.

ATTENTION! All members of the tone will begin to learn the right honorable Torgrim's native Ice Barbarian tongue. Classes will begin in the town hall right after the ceremonial hunt of the bear.

ATTENTION! Any carpenters available to fix the candelabra in the town hall will be needed before the beginning of the next meeting.

There has been discussion of creating a council of commoners for the city's infrastructure. The discussion ended when Torgrim ripped down the candelabra from the ceiling in the town hall and threw them at the gentleman who made the proposal.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding these minutes please send them to me. I apologize for the omission in the last minutes of Lars Brandywine's announcement of his new daughter Lilith Iliana...I did not mean any confusing saying that your wife gave birth to an Ilithid named Lian...and I'm sorry that the townspeople burned down your front door.

Respectfully Submitted:
Vance Eagle

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lac's Musings: The April 13, 2008 Adventure

The party begins their adventure today by purchasing some much-needed magical items for the party. Lac bought himself a +1 longsword, Dendo was able to purchase Bracers of Defense AC 8, and Aleron purchased a +1 mace. Hopefully, any future creatures requiring magic items to be hit will face a bit more damage from the party.

While shopping, the party is met by Theodis. He lets them know that there are rooms waiting for them at The Citadel's Tavern. The party gets some much needed rest before their meeting with the Council of Nine the next day.

There sleep is short-lived. Eiccito is woken up to the presence of evil within the building. The top floor of the building was soon filled with goblins clad in black and with a small group of skeletons. The party was slowly woken up and was working their way through the charging enemies. As this was going on the party heard a great deal of commotion from below.

During their battle in the upper floor, they saw hale come from the sky, they saw a wall of ice form in the staircase (but not before two shadows came up the stairs. They also saw green gas coming from the windows of the first floor and heard a lot of yelling and fighting. Eventually, the party overcame their upstairs foes thanks to solid combat and a few well-placed holy waters.

The party came downstairs to assess what happened. The guards described someone who was most likely the Deathmaster, and upon further investigation and conference with Theodis, it was discovered that the Deathmaster is likely working with Iuz.

The next session begins with a meeting of the Council of Nine...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Preparations for the Weekend

As we all prepare for this Sunday's adventure, there are a few things that I want you all to keep in mind:
  • Think about your "wish list" in terms of items that you want to buy for the good of the party and items that you want to buy for yourself. You have quite a bit of money to spend.
  • Be thinking about taking some time to update your character's background and history. Your characters have been through quite a bit thus far and it may alter how you decide to role play your character in sessions.
  • I challenge you all (myself included) to role play more with your character. I think it will add an extra dimension to our gaming.
I working on fleshing out my characters for the Deathmaster and more Lac. I think you will notice a difference. Sunday's adventure should be fun and interesting. There shouldn't be as much fighting, but we'll see.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lac's Musings: April 6, 2008 Adventure

The party continued to makes its way back to their fledgling town built around the recently rescued Pholtus temple. As they made their way closer, they noticed smoke...and that meant fire. As they got closer, they noticed undead creatures around the area: ghouls and shadows. The party made quick work of the undead utilizing and excellent mix of spellcraft and arms. The party noticed that the only survivors are a few peasants.

Torgrim agreed to stay behind and help rebuild the city. The party would send back replacement craftsmen as well as mercenaries to help fortify their stronghold. One day this small village will grow into a large city!

With rebuilding in progress, the party continued its way to Wintershiven. Along the way they encountered a group of cyclopskin and again they did not prove to be too much of a problem for the party. Indeed, they are truly growing in power and abilities. It will interesting to see what they can tackle next.

Finally reaching Wintershiven, the party settled into the city and traded in gems, jewelry and other items. They were last pooling their resources to look for ways to improve and strengthen the party.

Out of Character Notes:
  • It is great to have John join us. He has brought Dendo back to life! We hope he will be able to join us for more adventures.
  • Due to various circumstances, we have been down a few adventurers for the last few weeks. I hoping that we can add a few folks to swell our numbers a little bit.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Game On!

Unfortunately, we did not have the numbers to game on March 30. We only had three people. :( I am hopeful that for this coming Sunday we can get that number up. If you know anyone who might be interested, please let me know. Ryan, I know you have someone who might be interested.

I think this campaign could get really interesting with what I have in store for you. But to make it interesting, we need more folks to be there. Remember, we meet in the basement of Webster Hall at 1:00 PM this Sunday. I really hope to see you there!