Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lac's Musings: February 11, 2007 Adventure

This session began with our heroes having defeated five skeletons in the main worship chamber of the chapel. Six more skeletons appeared from the ground and they were turned by Aleron and were promptly mashed. Ten more came out of the ground and were able to put up a fight.

Having defeated the last wave of skeletons, the party rested from their labors. While resting, Torgrim the Cold heard the pitter-patter of feet from behind a door connected to the sanctuary in which they were sleeping.

The party spent a long time debating what they should do. They eventually opened the door and discovered the living chambers of the head priest. Searching for secret doors, they discovered an illusionary passage. Torgrim was fearful of the presence of magic. Fritjof looked into the passage and found a secret storage chamber. He saw a variety of treasure and three carrion crawlers.

The party rested and waited to see if the creatures would come again. The party battled the carrion crawlers and were victorious, but not before five members of the party were paralyzed. They gathered the treasure. Fritjof garnered the first critical hit of the campaign. Huzzah! While exploring the party discovered there was another illusionary passage leading in the other direction.

They explored an underground lair consisting of three rooms. In the last room, they found a pool of liquid. Aleron determined it had some animating properties. They tried many different spells and ideas, but by dropping a carcass in the water to looked to become undead-like.

They boarded up the complex and made their way back to Wintershiven. On the way back, they had their discussion about leadership. After some lively banter, it was decided that Aleron would be the leader of the party and Fritjof would be the second in command. Upon their return, they talk to Lorn Hardling and informed him of what they did. They were given ownership of the chapel and were sent on their way. Someone from the Council of Nin would there to visit the chapel soon...

...did I miss anything? Leave a comment if I did.


Anonymous said...

you spelled kahn wrong, its spelled Khann :)

Anonymous said...

teehee jim, you have a typo on your correction

Khann not Kahnn :)