Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Calendar

Days of the Week

I wanted you to know the structure of the days of the week in the World of Greyhawk. I am not going to be a real stickler about this, but it would be wise to remember which days are OK for adventuring and which days it might not be in character to do adventuring-type stuff. The week breaks down as follows:

- Work
Sunday - Work
Moonday - Work
Godsday - Worship
Waterday - Work
Earthday - Work
Freeday - Rest

Freeday and Godsday would be examples of days where adventuring may not be the best option. I will keep you posted as to where we are in the calendar when gaming sessions begin.

Campaign Date Update

As we begin the adventure on February 25, 2007: It is Moonday, the 10th day of the month of Readying in Common Year 580. Yes, you have officially entered fantasy land ;).

1 comment:

Peter Brooks said...

What is the order of the days? Meaning like I assume if today is Moonday then tomorrow is Godsday?

What if your character doesn't worship?
